
Marlboros 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I ask htan dah holding up a pack of thai-issue marlboros .
- 我举着一包泰国产的万宝路问谭达(htandah)。
- He became so addicted that he would smoke up to three packs of marlboros a day .
- 他变得非常沉迷,每天要抽三包万宝路。
- My marlboros are adorned with a legally mandated photographic deterrent a guy blowing smoke in a baby 's face but it doesn 't deter htan dah .
- 我手中的万宝路上还画着一幅法律强令禁止的宣传画:一名男子朝着一个婴儿的脸上喷出烟雾,但谭达可不在乎这些。
- Eventually , the soldiers gave us marlboros , fanta orange , and chunks of some kind of meat in red sauce .
- 最后,士兵们给了我们万宝路香烟,芬达和几块带着红色汁水的肉。