
millimetres 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The nozzle can be held five millimetres or more away from the surface , which allows irregular shapes to be coated .
- 喷嘴能够处于离印刷表面5毫米或更高的位置,以便喷涂表面不规则的物体。
- A typical photodetector is made of a silicon chip a few millimetres across onto which light is focused by a small lens .
- 标准的光电检测器是一个几毫米见方的硅芯片,由小型透镜将光聚焦在它上面。
- A high blood pressure reading is one that exceeds 140 / 90 millimetres of mercury .
- 高血压是读数超过140/90毫米水银柱。
- What is remarkable about these fibres is that they are only 1.1 millimetres in diameter .
- 值得一提的是,这些纤维的直径仅有1.1毫米。
- The team found that results from the two methods roughly matched and showed that greenland is losing enough ice to contribute on average 0.46 millimetres per year to global sea-level rise .
- 该团队发现这两种方法所得到的数据结果大致相符,显示出格林兰冰层减少量导致全球海平线平均每年上升0.46毫米。
- We know , thanks to measurements taken all over the world over many years , that in the last decade of the 20th century sea level rose about 3 millimetres per year .
- 我们知道,由于全世界许多年来的测量,我们看到在20世纪的最后十年,海平面每年上升3毫米。
- Check : a high blood pressure reading is one that exceeds 140 / 90 millimetres of mercury
- 检查:高血压的度数是超过140/90毫米水银柱。
- The epaper sheet , which uses the same e-ink technology found in the amazon kindle ereader , is just millimetres thick and can be used to make phone calls , read ebooks and play music .
- 这款纸手机仅有几毫米厚,使用的电子墨水技术和亚马逊kindle电子书相同,可以打电话、阅读电子书、听音乐。
- Three spacecraft detected a thin sheen of water locked up in the first few millimetres of lunar soil that could be extracted and used to sustain astronauts on expeditions to our nearest celestial neighbour .
- 三个航天器检测到,在月球土壤最上面几毫米的厚度内隐藏有一层很薄的水,可提取并供给给来到离我们最近的天体邻居月球进行考察的宇航员。
- But melting glaciers and ice sheets on land are bringing quantities of fresh water into the sea , whose level has been rising at an average of nearly 2 millimetres a year for over 40 years , and the pace is getting faster .
- 但是陆地上融化的冰川和冰盖带着大量的淡水流入海洋,海平面已经以平均每年大约两毫米的速度升高超过四十年了,并且速度正在加快。