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- Chung ino still insist to move the futenma base outside okinawa prefecture .
- 仲井真仍坚持要求将普天间基地迁到冲绳县外。
- Semele and ino , his daughters , and actaeon and pentheus , his grandchildren , all perished unhappily .
- 他的女儿塞墨勒和伊诺,他的孙儿阿克特翁和彭透斯都死于非命。
- Meanwhile , roberto da - ? Ino , the bank 's then general counsel , told the ft : " I categorically deny that I was involved in any way in the implementation of the ethics committee advice to the president regarding the shaha riza matter . "
- 与此同时,时任世行总法律顾问的罗伯托达尼诺(robertoda-?ino)向英国《金融时报》表示:“我绝对否认自己曾以任何方式,参与执行道德委员会就沙哈丽扎问题向行长提出的建议事宜。”
- Earlier , reuters reported that a bank official had claimed mr da ? Ino negotiated the deal along with ms riza 's lawyer and xavier coll , the bank vice-president for human resources .
- 早些时候,路透社(reuters)曾报道,一位世行官员称,达尼诺与丽扎的律师和世行负责人力资源的副行长泽维尔科尔(xaviercoll)一道商讨过此项协议。
- But chung ino demanded that the government find elsewhere .
- 但仲井真则要求政府另觅他处。
- Ino hurry , the best always appears accidentally .
- 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。
- Man o does not reveal himself ino his super history , he struggles up through .
- 人不能在他的历史中表现出他自己,他在历史中奋斗着露出头角。
- Ino way , you got your own .
- 没门,你有你自己的那一半。