

n.相会( meeting的名词复数 );聚会;会议;运动会
meetings 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You are excluded from meetings that your peers are invited to .
- 6.同事收到邀请参加某些会议,而你却没有。
- I can hold meetings from my home , which I do .
- 我可以在家召开会议,我也确实是这么做的。
- Avoid getting sidetracked by a big firm 's requests to join time-devouring meetings and calls .
- 大公司可能要求参加耗费时间的会议。
- We have people join meetings anywhere in the world on a webex connection .
- 世界各地的人都可以通过WebEx参加会议。
- Such considerations similarly make washington an unlikely venue for street meetings .
- 出于这种考虑,华盛顿也不适合举行街头会议。
- So we have many different , yet important , meetings .
- 因此我们设立了多种颇为重要的会议。
- Jennifer faithfully attended sca meetings .
- 珍妮弗忠实的参加性爱聚会。
- Here they also hold meetings and conferences .
- 在这里他们也举行聚会和研讨会。
- We got 6 follow-up meetings .
- 我们得到了6次的后续会议。
- She began attending meetings several times a week .
- 开始时,她每周都要参加好几次这样的聚会。