Also , over time , the growing mechanization of american agriculture led to the replacement of individual homesteads with a smaller number of much larger farms .
Between 1929 and 1989 , government , science , and technology transformed tobacco culture into agribusiness by legislation , invention , and mechanization .
As henry petroski notes in his book the evolution of useful things , the pin-making industry was illustrative of the industrialization taking place prior to mechanization .
Farmers found they could increase productivity and reduce the operating costs by using mechanization and assembly-line techniques .
His advice to the young was to avoid literature and the arts and to embrace mechanization and become engineers .
As huang notes , government policy is encouraging more leasing and exchange of farmland , so that enterprising farmers can stitch together bigger plots that are better suited to mechanization .
Against the regimentation and the mechanization of modernity , mumford affirms the contribution of religions to offset the effects of industrialization .