Manson 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Here 's what researchers frank hu and joann manson of harvard have to say in a commentary accompanying the piece .
- 看一下哈佛大学研究员frankhu和joannmanson在随附的一篇评论文章里是怎么说的吧:
- The last time I had one was as a student , when I wanted to look like any of crosby , stills , nash or young but ended up a dead ringer for charles manson , which was not a good look .
- 我上次蓄胡子是在学生时代,当时我希望自己看上去像克罗斯比、斯蒂尔斯、纳什和杨乐队的成员之一(crosby,stills,nashandyoung),但最终却与查尔斯曼森(charlesmanson)酷似,这并不好看。
- " Vitamin d looks really promising , " said dr. joann e. manson , the chief of preventive medicine at brigham and women 's hospital and an investigator on several harvard vitamin studies .
- 维生素d看来非常有前景,但是我们要从过去吸取教训:在进入维生素研究的潮流和大剂量服用之前,应该开展一个大规模的临床实验。
- Manson was convinced that by instigating a race war in america as a result of the random killings , he and his group would seize power in the ensuing pandemonium of " helter skelter . "
- 曼森确信通过随意的杀戮就可以在美国境内挑起一场种族战争,曼森和他的家族就可以借助“旋转滑梯”(曼森的一个计划)制造的大混乱抓住权力。
- Manson , like koresh , never knew his father .
- 和柯瑞西一样,曼森从未见过他的父亲。
- Manson himself admits " I 'm still a little five-year-old kid . "
- 曼森自己也承认到“我依旧是一个五岁大的小孩。”
- Everything I do and say and how I live my life is me being marilyn manson .
- 我做什么,如何生活都是在做自己,做玛丽莲.曼森而已。
- In and out of juvenile detention since he was twelve -- closely fitting the profile of so many antisocial characters -- manson became a career criminal who has spent the bulk of his adult life behind bars .
- 自从12岁以来,他先后几次进入少年拘留所他被牢牢地打下了许多反社会性格的烙印在进入监狱的之前,多年的成人生活让曼森成为了一个专业的罪犯。