
n.领取退休、养老金或抚恤金的人( pensioner的名词复数 )
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- In continental europe , the life expectancy of wealthy and poor pensioners is not starkly different .
- 在欧洲大陆,富有和贫困退休者的预期寿命没有明显的差别。
- They can break their promises to their creditors or they can break their promises to future pensioners .
- 他们可以违背对债主的诺言,或者不履行对未来领取养老金公民的承诺。
- He was anxious to arrest the spread of means-tested top-up help for pensioners , which discourages private retirement saving .
- 他急于阻止针对养老金的经济状况调查援助计划的推广,这让私有退休收入大大受挫。
- Across the rich world the supply of workers is about to slow as the number of pensioners rises .
- 在富裕国家,随着领取养老金人数的不断攀升,劳动工人供给速度将会减缓。
- They are changing the role of older people , as many pensioners rejoin the workforce .
- 他们甚至改变了老年人的角色,在退休后重新回到工作中来。
- It is tempting to look simply at the ratio of cash benefits to contributions , rather than allowing for the value of the promises being made to future pensioners .
- 因为他们往往容易只关注福利金和贡献金之间的比率,却忽视了向未来的养老金领取者们做出的承诺的价值。
- Tomorrow 's pensioners will not be so lucky .
- 明日的养老金领取者就将就没有如此幸运了。
- That would force the government to choose between paying its bondholders and its pensioners .
- 那就会强迫政府在为债券持有人和领取退休金的人之间进行选择。
- Yields on deposits and bonds are low and a growing army of pensioners needs an income from somewhere .
- 目前存款和债券收益率很低,而越来越庞大的养老金领取大军需要从某个地方获得收入。
- On current trends , by 2025 there will be almost as many pensioners as workers .
- 根据最近的趋势,到2025年时几乎所有本已退休的人都会继续工作。