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n.金丝鸟病,块煤;块( lump的名词复数 );肿块;<非正>傻大个;笨拙的人
v.结成块( lump的第三人称单数 );把…归并在一起(考虑),将人[物]同等对待[分类]

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In reefs , the structure is big lumps of calcium carbonate on which things grow and around which they graze and hunt .
Whitish yellowy lumps around the eyelids can be a sign of high cholesterol , a major factor in heart disease .
Doctors will use the sonic flashlight to more easily insert needles in intravenous lines deep inside the body and find lumps and other potentially malignant masses .
When I worked as a corporate lawyer , my skin began to break out in lumps , and I developed painful neck and shoulder tension .
Mrs. mcdaniel said she was not a vain person , but with red lumps all over her face , she was embarrassed to go out .
An atomic bomb uses conventional explosives to slam together two lumps of fissionable material , usually uranium-235 or plutonium-239 .
Thieves in kansas city stole 30 of these heavy , monetarily worthless lumps of concrete last year .
Nelson picked his way along the tunnel , stepping around piles of broken stone and lumps of coal tumbled like black dice across the dusty floor .
Amber forms when the soft , sticky sap of trees solidifies into hard lumps of resin which , when buried , become fossilised into a substance valued for its colour , translucence and natural organic beauty .
Acne is the term used for plugged pores and even deeper lumps that occur on the face , neck , shoulders , chest , and upper arms .