lorries 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hundreds of camels are being loaded onto lorries .
- 数以百计的骆驼正被装上运货卡车。
- More efficient deliveries can take the strain off lorries and other shipping infrastructure .
- 更高效的派送方式能够减轻货车或其他装运设施的负担。
- Some goes missing from lorries that are held up in lonely stretches of desert .
- 一部分是从那些被堵在荒漠地带的货车上抢下来的。
- Pigs destined for slaughter are often seen crammed excruciatingly tightly in cages on the backs of lorries .
- 注定要被屠宰的猪往往被紧紧得堆在笼屋不堪的货车后仓。
- Hundreds of lorries arrive from tunisia every day , as well as private cars laden with scarce goods .
- 每天有几百辆货车从突尼斯开入,还有私人轿车携带紧缺物资进入利比亚。
- And the change would not apply to lorries , a key part of the business network .
- 此项变更对于商业网络中极为重要的一环运货汽车而言没有任何实质性的帮助。
- The lorries were racing against each other .
- 一辆辆的卡车在争先恐後地行驶。
- Soldiers and paramilitary police helped families to construct better shelters and fire lorries delivered water .
- 军队和武警帮助灾民们搭建帐篷,消防车送来水。
- So sparse is traffic that it often seems more cars are being transported on occasional lorries than are on the road itself .
- 车流是如此稀少,于是常常是偶尔路过的商品车运输车上的汽车比路上跑的还要多。
- Outside lorries trundle by , selling water at three times the usual price to the many households where the public water supply has failed .
- 外面,火车沉重地驶过,以平常三倍的价格向自来水供给中断的家庭卖水。