
lodgers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I let out my spare rooms to lodgers .
- 我把多馀的房间出租给房客。
- Her lodgers used commonly to be prisoners on rule from that prison .
- 她的房客通常都是些从那所监狱取保外住的犯人。
- Half her wage pays the rent for the tiny three-bedroom apartment her family shares with two lodgers .
- 她的薪水一半用来付她家人和两名房客分租的狭小三房公寓租金。
- Steering group on rehousing bedspace apartment lodgers .
- 安置床位寓所住客督导小组。
- Her relation with her aunt was as superficial as that of chance lodgers who pass on the stairs .
- 姑母和她的关系象经常在楼梯上相遇,同居一栋楼里的寄宿者一样疏远。
- She mothers all her lodgers .
- 她像母亲般照顾她的所有房客。
- She takes in lodgers to make a bit of extra money .
- 她接纳房客以赚点外快。
- She takes in lodgers in the summer .
- 夏天,她收房客寄宿。
- At his command , " bring in the clan , " andy departed to go the round of the rooms for the lodgers .
- 他一声令下“把那伙人请来”,那两人便到各个房间去叫人。
- The house was thought to be comfortable and clam , in order that the lodgers only have got to enjoy their vacations .
- 房子被认为是舒适,为了蛤,住客只有享受他们的假期。