Mr. llewellyn says belgian customs officials recently raided one of his storehouses and seized his chemicals , threatening to use environmental laws to shut him down .
The first planned suburb in the us , the neighbourhood takes its name from its creator , llewellyn haskell , a new york businessman with a flair for the naturalistic .
Mr cameron was also persuasive in defending the decision of his chief of staff , ed llewellyn , to ask the metropolitan police not to inform the prime minister of details of its hacking investigation last year .
This image of a frog malformed by pollution is from a new book of eye-catching work by artists blurring the boundaries between art and science , writes caspar llewellyn smith
It was later clarified , however , that the police had offered in 2010 to explain the " nuances " of their news of the world investigation but that the offer had been abruptly declined by the prime minister 's chief of staff , ed llewellyn .