
lineages 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Many lineages in the current human structure have never experienced poverty , hunger or homelessness .
- 当前人类结构中的很多血统就从未体验过贫穷、饥饿及无家可归。
- The cardiac fate maps and cell lineages are the main aspects in the research on the cardiac origin and morphogenesis .
- 心脏的原基分布图和心脏细胞谱系是心脏起源和形态发生研究的主要方面。
- The phylogenetic analysis was conducted by international researchers to determine the origin , evolution , patterns of speciation , and unique features in genome divergence among primate lineages .
- 这项系统发育研究由国际范围内的研究者共同承担,旨在揭示灵长类的起源、进化、物种形成模式和基因组谱系分化中的独特之处。
- Nevertheless , the evolutionary lineages leading to humans and rhesus monkeys diverged about 30 million years ago , leaving scientists in the dark about when the human pattern of brain aging might have begun .
- 不过,演化谱系导致人类和猕猴大约在三千万年前分开了,这使得科学家们不知道人类大脑衰老模式可能开始的时间。
- Ongoing speciation , reticulate evolution , ancient relic lineages , unequal rates of evolution and disparate distributions of genetic insertions / deletions among the reconstructed primate lineages are uncovered .
- 在灵长类的谱系重建中揭示了大量的不间断物种形成、网状进化、古代残留谱系、不等速进化以及基因插入缺失。
- This allowed them to follow 431 " lineages " of marine bivalve through the course of geological time .
- 这样,他们便可以沿着地质学的时间轴逐个研究431支海洋双壳类的“世系(lineages)”。
- Birds have four spectrally distinct cone pigments , one drawn from each of the four evolutionary lineages .
- 鸟类有四种光谱特性不同的锥色素,分别来自这四条演化路径。
- Both of these facts mean it is likely that some lineages which seem to make their first appearance in the extratropical fossil record actually started out near the equator .
- 上述两种因素都表明某些世系虽最早出现在热带外区域的化石记录上,实际上却有可能起源于赤道附近。
- They differentiate themselves by their distinctive cultures and by the personalities and lineages of their leaders .
- 他们以各自鲜明的文化、个性以及领导的派系为特色。
- In fact most human lineages host some of the terrorist lineages in one 's extended tapestry of ancestry .
- 事实上,在扩张的祖先织锦之中,大部分人类血统拥有一些恐怖分子的血统。