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- Only four weeks ago , jim leng pronounced himself " delighted " to take up the chairmanship of rio tinto a company with a " superb set of assets and strong prospects " .
- 就在四周前,吉姆棱(jimleng)还表示自己“很高兴”出任力拓(riotinto)董事长职位,称该公司拥有“卓越的资产组合和强劲的前景”。
- Shareholders made their views known again to mr leng when he met them in late january and the first week of february .
- 在1月底和2月第一周吉姆棱与股东们见面时,股东们再次表达了他们的观点。
- Former khmer rouge foreign minister leng sary appeared before cambodia 's genocide tribunal to press for his release from pretrial detention .
- 前红色高棉外交部长英萨利在柬埔寨一个审判种族灭绝的法庭上敦促法庭不要再对他进行审前羁押。
- When leng jingyi was a small girl , she had to wait for the annual chinese spring festival to indulge in her favourite dishes .
- 当冷静宜(音译)还是个小女孩的时候,每年她都要等到过春节才能尽情享用她最喜欢的菜肴。
- As a result , students lose the ability to look for and identify mistakes , says leng yubin , one of the teachers campaigning for a textbook purge .
- 倡导改革教科书运动的老师之一的冷玉斌认为这会导致学生缺乏鉴别和寻找错误的能力。
- Some uk investors would like rio to look at an alternative package that might include a rights issue , asset sales to chinalco or bhp billiton , and the return of jim leng , chairman-designate who abruptly resigned this month after disagreeing with the board .
- 一些英国投资者希望力拓考虑一下其它方案,其中可能包括一次配股发行,向中铝或必和必拓(bhpbilliton)出售资产,以及与董事会出现分歧后本月突然辞职的获任董事长吉姆棱(jimleng)的回归。
- He said that the chairman , who replaced the short-lived jim leng who had opposed the chinalco deal , indicated that rio was prepared to offer significant concessions . This is likely to include allowing institutions to buy bonds which can be converted into rio shares , although the miner has not yet promised to do so .
- 他说,这位董事长,接替了在任时间很短、反对中铝交易案的吉姆冷,暗示力拓准备做出重大让步,这可能包括允许机构购买力拓的可转换债券,尽管力拓尚未对此作出承诺。
- However , mr leng had misgivings about the chinalco deal and was arguing that a rights issue was the best option .
- 然而,吉姆棱对和中铝的交易心存疑虑,提出配股发行才是最佳选择。
- Leng lin is said to have played an integral role in luring them over to pace .
- 据说在吸引他们加入佩斯的过程中,冷林起了不可或缺的作用。
- Malaysian authorities plan to release between 2000 and 3000 genetically modified mosquitoes in two areas , said lim chua leng , a health ministry official .
- 马来西亚卫生部一位名叫limchualeng的官员说,政府计划在两个区域先释放2000~3000只转基因蚊子。