bly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In a press briefing wednesday morning in washington , bly defended the independence of his investigation .
- 周三早上在华盛顿召开的记者会上,布莱为其调查的独立性进行了辩护。
- They have dismissed mr. bly 's report as part of bp 's legal strategy .
- 他们说布莱的调查报告不过是英国石油公司法律策略的一部分。
- Mr. bly 's report , assembled by roughly 70 people , most of them bp employees , is expected to run about 200 pages .
- 布莱的报告预计有200页的篇幅,由大约70位调查人员共同撰写,其中多数是英国石油的雇员。
- Bly 's team , for example , concluded that the controversial ' long-string ' design of the well likely didn 't contribute to the disaster .
- 譬如,布莱的团队得出结论,油井具有争议的“套管”设计可能不是引发灾难的原因。
- Mr. bly 's report rejected several criticisms leveled against the company by outside experts and pinned much of the blame for the disaster on bp 's contractors , especially rig owner transocean ltd.and cementing contractor halliburton co.
- 布莱的调查报告驳斥了外界专家对英国石油公司的批评,将事故责任归咎于英国石油公司的承包商,尤其是钻井平台所有者transoceanltd.和负责水泥工作的哈里伯顿公司(halliburtonco.)
- Jimmy bly has just taken the lead .
- 吉米.布莱已经领先了!
- Suddenly , there was gilbert bly the in his boat !
- 就在这时,吉尔伯特布莱思和他的船出现了。
- " Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven 't planted . " - David bly
- “不想努力工作就想取得成功,就像不耕种就妄图收获。”davidbly
- Robert bly : my idea of a poet was formed in 1950 !
- 罗伯特布莱:我作为一个诗人的想法形成于1950年。