You should have delegated your task of latrine inspection to another officer .
No alteration or addition shall be made to any private market or to any structure , or stall or any latrine or drainage works comprising any part of the market place otherwise than in accordance with plans approved by the council .
Ultra-strong : mobile telephone uses the russia pretty girl in losing a latrine pit .
You sure it wasn 't a latrine ?
The shelters with latrine facilities will improve the overall living conditions for vulnerable families .
And if you don 't believe me , just look in the bucket in the latrine .
Refuge from life so that we start with the old equipment , in order to save water , we do not have toilets , but rather from the old latrine .
Their house had no electricity , a rusty corrugated iron roof and no ceiling ; " the toilet was a pit latrine outside and we had to draw water from a communal tap a few streets away . "
Secondly , when you firstly get into a new restaurant , you will feel fresh when eating , newly built latrine even has three days of incense , which can also be called " strange effect " .
Provided that , where the council is satisfied that sufficient water for flushing purposes is not available or cannot reasonably be obtained , the council may accept equivalent dry latrine accommodation ;