In middle school , she suffered through anorexia . In high school and college , bulimia was her poison .
We are now living through an epidemic of female anorexia and bulimia , with over 50 million victims in europe and the us .
Equally intriguing are observations that women and men demonstrate differences in sensitivity to these stimuli , and that obesity , anorexia , and bulimia nervosa affect these neurological responses .
Individuals with anorexia nervosa or with bulimia nervosa have been found to have abnormally low concentrations in their bloodstream .
While the internet extends the horizons of knowledge and social relations for children , experts at the telecom world 2009 show this month also highlighted their online exposure to pornography , or sites promoting violence , anorexia and bulimia .
But studies also show that self-starvation in girls can be triggered by media images , including internet sites promoting anorexia and bulimia as lifestyle choices .
Experts say doctors should encourage families to have dinner at the table instead of on the couch in front of the television to protect against serious eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia .
In all these sites , anorexia and bulimia are described as an often misunderstood personal lifestyle choice rather than a disorder with very serious consequences affecting a person 's physical and emotional health .