Apple has made peace with htc but in doing so , it has won another battle in its proxy war with google and refocused its arsenal against samsung .
International division means support for proxy agendas and the fuelling of violent competition on the ground .
It has meant the winding down of most of the proxy and civil wars , insurgencies and guerrilla actions that dotted the cold war landscape .
The end of such a process is likely to be a proxy war along ethnic fault lines in afghanistan and elsewhere especially between nuclear-armed india and pakistan .
The risk of a regional war , fought by proxy inside somalia , is real . The risk to neighbours is serious too .
The protagonists fought their wars by proxy : about a third of conflicts from 1950 to 1990 were connected to cold-war rivalry .
The rule change resulted in more ' indirect ' bidders at treasury auctions , typically a proxy for central-bank buying .
After dozens of articles in learned journals and years of handwringing about other powers fighting their own proxy battles , something is finally being done , in the form of a conference to be held in istanbul on november 2nd .
If dell struggles under icahn 's control , then michael dell would be in position to launch his own proxy fight and / or propose a new buyout offer ( likely at a lower price than $ 13.65 per share ) .
As if distressing employees and alienating peers wasn 't enough , thompson is also gearing up for a proxy battle with activist investor third point , which wants new directors on the company 's board .