

v.叩头( kowtow的第三人称单数 );顺从;惟命是从;(对…)卑躬屈膝

kowtows 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The little boys chueh-chun and chueh-shih were too slow . Before they finished their first three kowtows , the others had already risen . Chueh-chun and chueh-shih scrambled to their feet , but the others had already knelt for the second set .
Now he kowtows to the country where mandatory abortion is required .
One kowtows out of reverence fear remorse gratitude and more and the translator is obliged to somehow capture the particular sense in each instance in ways that are subtle and apt.
Poles who back the kaczynski approach have similar complaints : they find the world deaf to their concerns about moral decay , lingering secret-police influence in public life , corruption and kowtows to moscow .
One kowtows out of reverence , fear , remorse , gratitude and more , and the translator is obliged to somehow capture the particular sense in each instance in ways that are subtle and apt.