
n.珠宝商( jeweller的名词复数 );珠宝店
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- Cctv footage released today by scotland yard shows the duo leaving the jewellers .
- 伦敦警方今天公布的监控录像显示了两人离开珠宝店时的场景。
- Industry executives stressed that the scam targeted the street-level sale of scrap gold to jewellers .
- 行业高管强调,这一骗局针对的主要是销售给珠宝店铺的碎金。
- Jacqueline gestetner organises an annual salon where a selection of jewellers sell their work with a portion going to charitable causes .
- 杰奎琳盖斯特纳每年发起一个沙龙,在那里一些优秀珠宝师会出售其作品,其中部分收入将用于慈善事业。
- You know any fine jewellers ?
- 你认识大的珠宝商吗?
- How to choose the right jewellers .
- 如何选择合适的珠宝商。
- In response to pressure from bankers and jewellers the government has introduced new legislation .
- 为了应付银行家和珠宝商的压力,政府实行了新法规。
- Jewellers , watch repairers and related occupations .
- 珠宝商,修表工及与次相关的职业。
- At the same time , smaller jewellers are focusing their efforts on the resurgent luxury end of the market , making fewer pieces with higher value and so using less gold .
- 与此同时,规模较小的首饰商则全力以赴,瞄准了复苏的最高端市场,生产价格更高、数量更少的首饰,因而减少了黄金用量。
- In turkey , where 217 tonnes were sold back to jewellers , the deputy head of the istanbul gold exchange says that " a widespread belief that gold is overpriced " is leading some to sell " anything they have " .
- 在土耳其,217吨黄金被卖还给了首饰商,伊斯坦布尔黄金交易所副主任说“人们普遍认为黄金价格过高”这使得很多人出售“他们手头所有的黄金”。
- Suresh hundia , president of the bombay bullion association , goes further : " there are only sellers in the market at these prices and most jewellers are buying back only old jewellery . "
- 孟买金银协会主席sureshhundia进一步指出:“在目前这个价位,市场里面只有卖家,大部分首饰商仅仅回收旧的首饰。”