
believers 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Believers
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- Skeptics and believers are constantly combating each other as to whether or not there is intelligent life in the universe .
- 怀疑者和信奉者之间经常为了宇宙之中究竟存不存在外星生命而相互对掐。
- You need to spend time with other believers .
- 你需要花时间和其他信徒在一起。
- Shinto believers at a purification ceremony in tokyo .
- 在东京参加一个净化仪式的日本神道教信徒。
- Spend the majority of your free time with believers .
- 把大部分空闲的时间用在与信徒在一起。
- This is a promise only for believers .
- 这个应许是单给信徒的。
- For believers in emh -- the efficient market hypothesis -- may 4 will be a fascinating day .
- 对信仰emh有效市场假说的人们来说,五月四日将是迷人的一天。
- No matter the believers will do wicked things .
- 无事之徒会干缺德事。
- He urged the parties to defuse the situation , to improve the relationship between religious believers .
- 他敦促有关各方缓和局势,致力于改善各宗教信众之间的关系。
- Despite their burger runs , the obamas are big believers in exercise and healthy eating .
- 虽然他们热衷汉堡,但是奥巴马一家却是运动和健康饮食的支持者。
- In that 2006 speech he asked secularists not to dismiss religion as inherently irrational , and believers not to think that they alone should define the nation 's morality .
- 在2006年的演说中他曾经呼吁世俗主义者不要把宗教看成是必然反理性的东西,并呼吁信教者不要认为只有自己才能定义这个国家的道德理想。