

n.防波堤,码头( jetty的名词复数 )

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The jetties , however , interrupted natural coastal processes such as longshore transport .
Hundreds of elegant yachts and motorboats lie peacefully berthed sterns to jetties .
Just around the bay to the marina where cafes and tourist shops lined the boardwalk and wooden jetties .
Could you imagine many of those citycats , cityferries and jetties suffered major damage and some were washed away during the devastating floods just a month ago ?
There are numerous long jetties to walk out onto the lake at long jetty .
The era of the modern port of new orleans began in 1879 with the construction of jetties in south pass , one of three passes that flow from the river into the gulf . Sandbars had formed at intervals in these passes and had hindered ships entering the river since the city 's founding .
We stood and stared in astonishment , some of us on the brooklyn bridge , others on the jetties on the shore , caught between the urge to dive in after them and the certainty that we would see them reappear again just as before .
To maintain safe navigation in the vicinity of all jetties .
In particular , almost no one wants to finance infrastructure ; so schools , clinics , raised footpaths , fishing jetties and bridges in the watery delta have not been rebuilt .
Every day , accordingly , from morning until night , the quays , sluices , and the jetties of the port of toulon were covered with a multitude of idlers and loungers , as they say in paris , whose business consisted in staring at the orion .