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美音 ['aɪsətoʊps]    


n.同位素;<核>同位素( isotope的名词复数 )

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Iran says it needs the uranium at 20 per cent purity for the manufacture of medical isotopes for cancer cures .
But the pieces need to be found quickly because the isotopes last for only days or weeks .
In this scenario , hydrogen would no longer be stable , but its slightly heavier isotopes deuterium or tritium could be .
Atoms of most elements can occur in slightly different forms , called isotopes , with slightly different masses .
Thatwater signature is in the form of oxygen isotopes , atoms of oxygen withdifferent numbers of neutrons .
Astronomers can do this sort of sleuthing with many different isotopes that have relatively short half-lives . So nailing down the solar system 's age precisely is key .
Isotopes say something about the latitude and elevation of your birthplace-which in the case of our mystery man definitely wasn 't southern italy .
As the economist went to press it was unclear whether iran would accept or haggle over the deal , which would keep in operation a research reactor that makes medical isotopes .
Now , a team has attempted to solve the mystery by comparing the ratio of two isotopes , or forms , of chlorine in lunar and terrestrial rocks .
That is why uranium fuel has to be enriched , for only one of the two naturally occurring isotopes of the metal is fissile , and it is much the rarer of the two .