
Islamic 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Says the leader of an islamic women 's group .
- 一个伊斯兰妇女团体的领导人这样说。
- Police have identified them as islamic extremists .
- 警方已证实他们是伊斯兰教的极端狂热分子。
- My undergraduate studies were in islamic history .
- 我大学学的是伊斯兰史。
- The islamic republic describes things differently .
- 尽管这个伊斯兰共和国对此有另外一种描述。
- Finding an accommodation between islamic law and western legal codes is difficult .
- 在伊斯兰教的法律和西方法律规范之间寻得融合是有困难的。
- The islamic revolution has learned from the shah .
- 伊斯兰革命从国王那儿吸取了经验。
- Islamic groups are certainly more active than before .
- 伊斯兰群体肯定会比过去更为活跃。
- Earlier islamic societies were less hardline .
- 早先伊斯兰社会并非如此强硬。
- Sure , we are for islamic self-esteem , but what on earth was obama up to here ?
- 不错,我们尊重伊斯兰教的自尊,但奥巴马究竟靠什么做到这一点呢?
- France has banned the islamic veil in state schools .
- 法国至今仍禁止在学校戴伊斯兰面纱。