
isidore 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And there is yet another possibility that Isidore could head toward the Yucatan Peninsula .
- 还有一种可能就是飓风伊西多尔会侵袭尤卡坦半岛。
- One that holds a card , especially a credit card . And there is yet another possibility that Isidore could head toward the Yucatan Peninsula .
- 持卡人尤指持有信用卡的人还有一种可能就是飓风伊西多尔会侵袭尤卡坦半岛。
- Isidore will likely pass over the western tip of Cuba Friday and then head into the Gulf of Mexico . And there is yet another possibility that Isidore could head toward the Yucatan Peninsula .
- 伊西多尔可能会在周五抵达古巴西端,然后向墨西哥湾挺进。还有一种可能就是飓风伊西多尔会侵袭尤卡坦半岛。