英音  ['ɪnəndeɪtɪd]    
美音 ['ɪnəndeɪtɪd]    


v.淹没( inundate的过去式和过去分词 );(洪水般地)涌来;充满;给予或交予(太多事物)使难以应付

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Of the inundated area , 35 % had also been flooded the year before .
Newspapers were inundated with letters today from concerned readers who worried that they wouldn 't measure up .
The blogosphere has been inundated with people mocking the new salutation and proposing alternative greetings .
When news of the find broke in the antiques world , the small auction house was inundated with queries from all over the globe .
If the slow progression of words across printed pages damped our craving to be inundated by mental stimulation , the internet indulges it .
Nearly 20 minutes later , villages were inundated by four tsunami waves ranging from 15 to 20 feet high and reaching as far as a mile inland .
But agents and editors are inundated with new material on a daily basis perhaps receiving hundreds of manuscripts every week when they might only take on one or two new authors every year .
And when water is moving at 30 or 40 miles an hour , like the tsunami that inundated northern japan on friday , the heaviness of water turns deadly .
So far the main objection to the plan has come from moscow 's suburbs , which will likely be inundated with snow if the plan goes forward .
Suddenly I was inundated with both women and men calling for me to ' name and shame ' the brand behind such a tasteless stitching .