During every interglacial stages the temperature would obviously rise while glaciers melting and precipitation rain fall increasing , also did the sea level rise and corrisponding changes happened in the animals and plants groups .
Says barnosky : " looking into the past tells us unequivocally that , yes , it can really happen . It has happened . The last glacial / interglacial transition 11700 years ago was an example of that . "
We do not know whether we live in a postglacial period or an interglacial period .
What is the significance of higher than present sea levels during the last interglacial period .
The variation indicates that montmorillonite has its highest concentration in the interglacial sediments , and illite and chlorite have their highest concentration in the glacial sediments .
The extension of sea ice during glacial periods was linked with the climate over north american continent , revealing the responses of sea ice extension in the bering sea to global climate change during late quaternary glacial and interglacial cycles .