
n.继承人,后继者( inheritor的名词复数 )
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- Despite deep human instincts , and tradition , it is no longer a given that their children should be their prime inheritors .
- 尽管有人类内心深处的本能和传统,但他们的孩子也不再是理所当然的第一继承人。
- Though the quip holds as true today as it did in 1916 when mr getty first struck oil in oklahoma , it is likely the oil man was thinking of his fellow industrialists as the inheritors .
- 虽然这句双关语在今天和1916年盖蒂在美国俄克拉荷马州开始开采石油时一样正确,但这位石油大亨很有可能将他的实业家同行视为继承者。
- We are the inheritors of greek and roman culture .
- 我们继承了希腊和罗马文化。
- These stories enshrined the power of the chiefs as inheritors of what might be termed an " heroic " culture .
- 这些故事主要是让后人铭记英雄式文化的历史。
- From further on , yuanzhou district should rapid the pace of intangible cultural heritage protection and strengthen the cultivation and support of inheritors and co-ordination of protection works .
- 今后原州区要加快非物质文化遗产保护的步伐,加强对传承人的培养和资助,加强对保护工作的统筹协调。
- Where the guideline refers to types that inherit from some other type , this applies to all inheritors , not just the types that directly inherit .
- 准则中提及的从某个其他类型继承的类型,指的是所有的继承者,而不只是直接继承的类型。
- If any inheritors as notified are not willing to participate in litigation but do not clearly express their waiver of substantive rights , the people 's court shall still take them ass co-plaintiffs .
- 被通知的继承人不愿意参加诉讼又未明确表示放弃实体权利的,人民法院仍应把其列为共同原告。
- Not only does he intend to inject a small element of competition into france 's bureaucratic university system , but he laid into the may ' 68 generation during the campaign , accusing the " inheritors of may ' 68 " of imposing " moral and intellectual relativism " and calling for this heritage to be " liquidated " .
- 他不仅打算为法国大学的官僚主义系统注入一点竞争元素,还在竞选运动期间言语上攻击may'68(注二)一代,指责“may'68的后继者们”骗人的“道德和智力的相对论”,并且要求“肃清”这种流毒。
- Scientists and technologists have a special set of responsibilities which belong to them both as inheritors of a tradition and as professionals and members of disciplines devoted to the search for knowledge and to the need to protect the biosphere in the context of sustainable development .
- 科学家和技术人员负有特殊责任,因他们既是传统的继承者,也是为了可持续发展而致力于寻求知识和保护生物圈的必要性的学科专业人员和成员。
- Even in the twentieth century , the products of the old colleges learned moral lessons , and to that extent they remained the inheritors of the ancient clerical idealism of the eighteenth-century founders .
- 即使是在二十世纪,老式学院的学生还在学习道德教训,某种程度上来说他们仍是十八世纪创建者的古代神职理想主义的继承者。