

n.继承人,后继者( inheritor的名词复数 )

inheritors 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Despite deep human instincts , and tradition , it is no longer a given that their children should be their prime inheritors .
Though the quip holds as true today as it did in 1916 when mr getty first struck oil in oklahoma , it is likely the oil man was thinking of his fellow industrialists as the inheritors .
We are the inheritors of greek and roman culture .
These stories enshrined the power of the chiefs as inheritors of what might be termed an " heroic " culture .
From further on , yuanzhou district should rapid the pace of intangible cultural heritage protection and strengthen the cultivation and support of inheritors and co-ordination of protection works .
Where the guideline refers to types that inherit from some other type , this applies to all inheritors , not just the types that directly inherit .
If any inheritors as notified are not willing to participate in litigation but do not clearly express their waiver of substantive rights , the people 's court shall still take them ass co-plaintiffs .
Not only does he intend to inject a small element of competition into france 's bureaucratic university system , but he laid into the may ' 68 generation during the campaign , accusing the " inheritors of may ' 68 " of imposing " moral and intellectual relativism " and calling for this heritage to be " liquidated " .
Scientists and technologists have a special set of responsibilities which belong to them both as inheritors of a tradition and as professionals and members of disciplines devoted to the search for knowledge and to the need to protect the biosphere in the context of sustainable development .
Even in the twentieth century , the products of the old colleges learned moral lessons , and to that extent they remained the inheritors of the ancient clerical idealism of the eighteenth-century founders .