

v.继承( inherit的现在分词 );经遗传获得(品质、身体特征等)接替(责任等),继任

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Homosexual couples who marry will now get many more rights than civil unions , including adopting children and inheriting wealth .
If the government takes over a bank , the taxpayers tacitly acquire its assets , thereby inheriting all the uncertainties over valuation .
Such a speech made sense politically , too : it was shrewd to emphasise just how dreadful a mess he is inheriting from his predecessor .
Most organisms reproduce sexually , inheriting two copies of each gene : one from each parent .
They go in to a difficult situation , inheriting problems that have been created or left unsolved by previous managers .
But because prince abdullah was not crown prince , neither he nor his new wife anticipated inheriting the throne .
Sir mark walport , head of the wellcome trust , said the genetic impact of inheriting a third person 's mitochondrial dna would be as minimal as changing the batteries in a camera .
They are neither rich , inheriting enough to escape the struggle for existence , nor poor , living from hand to mouth , or season to season .
They should encourage female education ; abolish laws and customs that prevent daughters inheriting property ; make examples of hospitals and clinics with impossible sex ratios ; get women engaged in public life-using everything from television newsreaders to women traffic police .
De neve urged caution over the result , however , and emphasised that inheriting two short versions of the gene did not condemn a person to a life of misery any more than two long versions would make someone impervious to sadness .