In such endeavours , experts say , information on other ways of life is more valuable than political indoctrination .
And revive his course as a true indoctrination machine , a kind of school of queer cosmetology .
The education department has repeatedly stated that if the school becomes a vehicle for religious indoctrination it will be closed .
In venezuela , tens of thousands of people marched in caracas , the capital , in protest at a new education law that they say will lead to political indoctrination and at recent arrests of opposition activists .
Weeks earlier , we had started our indoctrination phase with over 220 students .
Subject matter : iranian leaders may have embraced new media to share political messages with the world , but at home , indoctrination still starts in print .
Prior to the attack , the militants underwent approximately 10 months of training , including religious indoctrination , strength and endurance conditioning , extensive firearms practice , swimming and maritime instruction , map reading , and classes in counterintelligence .
My secondary school started its indoctrination early , and has invested diligently in fund raising .
Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches , rallies , and staged performances , sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons .
The corollary to this is the idea that with appropriate education , indoctrination , social conditioning or what have you , people can be made to behave in almost any way imaginable .