

inauguration 变化形式
复数: inaugurations


inauguration 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Every inauguration has its quirks .
- 每次就职典礼都与众不同。
- Marshall died four days after the inauguration .
- 马歇尔在就职典礼结束四天后去世了。
- The inauguration took place at midday on may 7th .
- 就职典礼定在5月7日正午。
- Nor will he able to disrupt the inauguration as he did then .
- 也不可能像上次那样再去破坏总统就职典礼。
- F.d.r. 's silence between his election and his inauguration may have deepened the crisis .
- 罗斯福在他赢取选举到就职典礼期间的沉默加深了危机。
- In the months before lincoln 's inauguration , president james buchanan tried to deal with the situation .
- 在林肯就职的前几个月,詹姆士.布坎南总统试图解决当前的困境。
- The detained were said to include protesters who wore black t-shirts in a sign of grief over ahmadinejad 's inauguration .
- 据称被拘留的人士当中包含身穿黑色t恤象征对内贾德就职表示哀悼之意的示威者。
- In many ways his inauguration is a new start not just for the us but for the world .
- 在许多方面,奥巴马的就职对美国乃至全世界都是一个新的开始。
- The last activity before the inauguration was a prayer service at the metropolitan african methodist episcopal church .
- 就职前的最后一项活动,是在大都会非裔卫理公会主教派教堂举行的祈祷仪式。
- The day of his inauguration , panic about the banks sent the dow jones industrial average down more than 300 points .
- 就在他就职的当天,投资者对于银行系统的恐慌使得道琼斯工业平均指数下降了300多点。