

inactivity 记忆方法

inactivity 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The truth is , your body was not designed for inactivity .
- 事实上,你的身体不是生来就静止的。
- Every great man I have known had something small in his make-up ; and it was that small something which prevented inactivity or madness or suicide .
- 我所了解的每一位伟人都少不了有点儿小的东西;而正是那点儿小的东西,才防止了无为、疯狂和自杀。
- The opposite is also true : inactivity can be deadly , bortz says .
- 反过来也是一样:波茨说,不活动可能会要了人的命。
- The british medical association states that inactivity poses a risk 20 times greater than riding a bicycle .
- 英国医学协会指出不活动造成危险的20倍更大比骑自行车。
- Yet for all of the hard work he puts into training , lagat cites inactivity as one of the reasons for his success .
- 除了他在训练中投入的所有努力,拉加特指出不活动是他成功的原因之一。
- There is a whole scientific discipline called inactivity physiology that looks at what happens if you just sit still for hours at a time .
- 有一门学科叫作不活动生理学,研究人一次坐几个小时发生的情况。