

imposter 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Air canada aco 18 passenger imposter .
- 加拿大航空客运冒名顶替蚁群18。
- He is not the messiah ! He is an imposter ! A blasphemer !
- 他不是弥赛亚!他只不过是一个骗子!一个渎神者!
- Somebody is doing to discover the imposter .
- 总会有人某些人准备去发现冒名顶替者.
- We discovered him to be an imposter .
- 我们发现他是一个骗子。
- Although isaac was doubtful in some way , he still blessed the imposter before him .
- 尽管艾塞克仍然有些疑惑,他还是给眼前的这个冒名顶替者祝了福。
- Canadian consular officials accused her of being an imposter , voided her passport and asked kenyan officials to prosecute her .
- 加拿大领事官员指责她是一个冒名顶替者,取消她的护照,并要求肯尼亚官员起诉她。
- I 'd say I found my imposter .
- 我想我找到冒牌货了。
- This woman is an imposter !
- 这个女人是个冒牌货。
- He felt like an imposter among all those intelligent people , as if he had no right to be there .
- 他感觉自己在所有那些聪明人中间像个冒牌货--好像他无权在那儿。
- And so far things had gone off without a wrinkle ; the invid imposter was surely dead , and wolff was a criminal .
- 而且目前为止,事情进展的非常平顺;冒牌摄政王必死无疑,而沃尔夫成了罪犯。