

impossibly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I impossibly could be your prince .
- 我不可能是你的王子。
- Noah straightened his posture impossibly more .
- 诺亚拉直他的姿势更不可能。
- Plus a list of achievements that showed her to be impossibly musically talented .
- 她还取得了很多的成绩,证明她有着不可思议的音乐才能。
- Because the person lives in the inside of the past world impossibly .
- 因为人是不可能活在过去的世界里的。
- Came the polite question from the impossibly pretty girl on reception .
- 来从接收时不可能漂亮的女孩礼貌的问题。
- For brian lenihan , who died of cancer on june 10th , it was impossibly hard .
- 在6月10日死于癌症的布赖恩勒尼汉来说,这是白费功夫。
- Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still .
- 在你的怀里,世界竟是这般静止传世私服。
- Impossibly infectious - I love this album .
- 极具感染力我爱这张专辑。
- But apple doesn 't really need a showman anymore , or even a legacy , though job 's shadow will be long , and his shoes impossibly large to fill .
- 但是苹果真的也不再需要表演家,或者一笔巨大的财富,尽管乔布斯的影响将会很长,他也没有足够强的能力去消除。
- Her voice , when it came to me from the other side , sounded impossibly far away : " I 'm sorry . "
- 她的声音,从另一边传来,听起来遥远模糊:“对不起。”