That can impair cognitive analysis and promote irrational pessimism and risk aversion .
Fear and anxiety impair our ability to move forward and achieve the things that will bring happiness into our lives .
Not getting enough sleep can impair your reaction time , problem solving ability , mood and immune system .
About 100 chemicals have been shown to impair brain development in animal models .
Alcohol can also impair judgment to the extent that you may not make the best or brightest decisions in a cold weather emergency .
It isn 't known how a-syn proteins spread and impair motor function .
They can make high blood pressure worse , even uncontrollable , and impair kidney function .
Why caffeine and alcohol are so toxic together isn 't fully understood , but the combination appears to impair a drinker 's judgment more than drinking alcohol alone .
Iron deficiency can have a big impact on brain function and impair learning abilities , eventually putting you at an increased risk for developing alzheimer 's disease .
There 's a reason it 's illegal : alcohol and drugs make your reaction time slower and impair your judgment , making you much more likely to have an accident .