If a piece of gossip about somebody is true , it can still be very hurtful because that information may be private and personal .
It will make a difference and people aren 't going to be saying hurtful things to you .
It was hurtful at the time , but a very necessary and powerful learning for my journey .
Instead you should try to rub the hurtful remarks from your mind , and stop the pointless agonising over whether you are in the right job .
When loved ones , co-workers , or even strangers say and do hurtful things , many times it is really not about you .
Science has provided much insight into why an intelligent species seems so nasty , spiteful , self-destructive and hurtful .
The biblical texts that are most often cited in the same-sex debate deserve some explanation in order to reduce their citation for hurtful purposes .
This is aside from the fact that all good humorists should be able to laugh at themselves know the difference between good , healthy humor and poor taste , or hurtful insults .