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- Such firms were too big to be a target of private equity , even at its most hubristic .
- 这样的企业对于私募资金来说是个太大的目标,即使他们狂妄无比也是如此。
- Nearly all the world 's most innovative companies are run by megaminds who set themselves hubristic goals such as " putting a ding in the universe " ( steve jobs ) .
- 世界上几乎所有创新公司都被那些有大智慧的人所管理,而他们自己也经常设定一些狂妄的目标,如“敲响宇宙钟声”(史蒂夫乔布斯)。
- With the fate of the economy uncertain and mr dimon still looking for one big acquisition an international retail bank to allow it to rival citi 's global reach the scope for mistakes , setbacks and hubristic mishaps is significant .
- 由于经济前景不明朗,加上戴蒙仍在寻找一次重大的收购机会(一家国际零售银行,让摩根大通媲美花旗的全球业务范围),该银行犯错、遭遇挫折和狂妄之灾的可能性相当大。
- Until recently , it was easy to dismiss such ambitions as the hubristic musings of a young upstart .
- 直到最近,人们很容易将这类雄心壮志视为年轻新贵的狂妄自大。
- Vladimir putin 's tsarist ambitions were always hubristic .
- 弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)抱有专制野心,一直盛气凌人。
- The hubristic belief in america that " we don 't have financial crises " is now obviously false , said mr rogoff .
- 美国狂妄自大地坚信“我们没有金融危机”现在证明显然是错误的,rogoff先生说。
- Less hubristic and more informed leaders would have realised that both countries had the manpower and industrial resources to prevail in a war of attrition .
- 更谦逊、见识更为广博的将领会意识到俄美两国都有足够的人力物力打赢一场消耗战。
- Political humour is a manner by which arrogance and hubristic tendencies of those who are in power may be prevented from taking shape .
- 政治幽默,也许是避免将那些当政者的傲慢与自恃的倾向具体化的一种方式。
- Judged by the hubristic promises that preceded it , the g20 meeting was bound to disappoint .
- 以会前信誓旦旦的承诺来看,g20峰会一定会令人感到失望。
- Until the wobble in dubai , the hubristic gulf emirate , equity markets were remarkably buoyant .
- 在自负的海湾酋长国迪拜出现动荡之前,(全球)股市强劲上涨。