

pitted 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I am not fit to be pitted against you to-night .
- 我今天晚上不适于跟你较量。
- One inmate requested a single pitted olive .
- 有一名囚犯仅要了一枚去核的橄榄。
- His face was pitted with smallpox .
- 他长着一张麻脸。
- He pitted his associates against one another .
- 他在手下人中拉一派打一派。
- In other words , the campaign pitted a generic republican against a machine democrat .
- 换句话说,这场选举就是一位普通的共和党人对上了机械的的民主党人。
- His face was pitted with scars .
- 他脸上有麻点。
- A pitted area in a tooth caused by .
- 因龋齿引起的牙内蛀洞。
- Beautiful scenery knolls , elfin wood , pitted valleys resembling the surface of the moon .
- 美丽的景色:小山、矮曲林、坑坑洼洼的山谷像月球的表面。
- Second , its individualism is pitted against any authoritarian structure or worldview that would stand over the individual .
- 第二,其个人主义的观念反对任何凌驾于个人之上的独断结构或世界观。
- The agreement follows an auction that pitted the consortium against foreign investors bain capital , permira and macquarie group .
- 在之前的竞标中,与该财团对阵的有贝恩资本(baincapital)、permira和麦格理集团(macquariegroup)等一干外国投资者。