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- His father , a well-connected doctor in the east german town of halle , had wanted young georg friedrich to become a lawyer .
- 其父是德国东部哈雷镇一位颇有人脉的医生,他一直希望年少的乔治弗里德里希能成为一名律师。
- Prince georg isthe great-great-grandson of kaiser wilhelm ii , whoruled his country until the monarchy was abolished in 1918 .
- 乔治王子是德皇凯撒威廉二世的玄孙,这位皇帝统治整个国家直到1918年废除君主制。
- So too , in its own way , does the georg eckert institute , a centre for textbook research in the small german town of braunschweig .
- 一家坐落在德国小镇布伦瑞克的教科书研究中心乔治埃克特研究所也在以自己的方式做着这样的工作。
- Among ms von habsburg 's six siblings , her younger sister walpurga is a leading conservative politician in sweden ; her brother georg is an ambassador-at-large for hungary .
- 在冯哈布斯堡的六个兄弟姐妹中,她的妹妹瓦尔普加是瑞典的保守政治家,她的兄弟乔治是一个匈牙利大使。
- On april 7th it was reported that a bishop , georg mueller of the norwegian diocese of trondheim , had resigned last year after confessing to the sexual abuse of an altar boy .
- 4月7日,有报道称挪威特隆赫姆教区的一位名叫格奥尔格米勒的主教,在承认对一个辅祭男童施以性虐待后,与去年辞去神职。
- Samira alayan , a researcher at the georg eckert institute , says that palestinian history textbooks do not deny that jews have lived in palestine throughout history .
- alayan萨米---格奥尔格艾克特研究院的一名研究者说,巴勒斯坦教科书没有否认犹太人在历史上已经生活在巴勒斯坦地区。
- Partnered with german-based automotive supplier and manufacturer , georg fischer , cymat 's foam technology is used to fill complex hollow aluminum parts .
- 通过与德国汽车提供商及制造商georgfischer合作,cymat公司的泡沫铝制备技术已经开始应用到复杂的铝合金中空零件。
- Take georg matthias bose , an 18th century german professor who , according to science historian paola bertucci of yale university , viewed the discovery of electricity as a potential " ...... bridge between experimental and erotic culture " .
- 以十八世纪的德国教授乔格马蒂亚斯波色(georgmatthiasbose)为例,按照耶鲁大学科学历史学家宝拉贝图齐(paolabertucci)的说法,波色曾将电流的发现视为是架构于科学和性欲之间的潜在桥梁。
- Indeed , an analysis by david hummels of purdue university and georg schaur of the university of tennessee estimates that a day in transit is equivalent to a tariff of between 0.6 % and 2.3 % , with the largest effects for parts and components trade .
- 事实上,普度大学的davidhummels和田纳西大学的georgschaur通过分析估计:在受影响最大的零部件贸易中,运输一天的成本相当于关税的0.6%到2.3%。
- Little georg always makes trouble , all we think he is the black sheep in our school .
- 小乔治在学校总是制造麻烦,我们都认为他是害群之马。