This may be because many japanese have experienced earthquakes before , including the horrific kobe quake of 1995 .
But , with much of this wealth tied up in horrific stock markets , tycoons are a looking a little more threadbare .
A horrific policy blunder had confirmed that there was no bilateral fix for the multilateral trade imbalance of a savings-starved us economy .
What we do know is that a number of american soldiers have been killed and even more have been injured in a horrific outburst of violence .
The wedding night approached : gawain , steeling himself for a horrific night , entered the bedroom .
Such a horrific event would indeed scare portugal and ireland , but a threat to expel italy or spain is empty : they are too big and too tightly tied into the eu .
And many climate proponents fall into this when they give these horrific , apocalyptic predictions of cities under water and ice ages and things like that .
At the time of the amman gathering in 2005 , iraq was in the grip both of horrific sunni-shia violence and of american occupation .
Barack obama , the us president , called the incident " a horrific outburst of violence " .
The idea that this is civilization \ 's final century is horrific not only because of the loss and suffering , but because of the guilt of what we might have done to prevent it .