When a patient hobbles into the office , it 's understandable that the doctor wants to do something , dr. chou says .
The next day , lady 1 hobbles herself into the local drugstore and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms .
Meanwhile their marginalization in urban labor market also hobbles their citizenization .
Age , appearance , favourites , hobbles and interests , earlier life , path to success .
Although this might be a relief for readers who spend their days poring over data , it hobbles the thesis of the book , which is an economic one .
The company has a distinctive core business : rather than dealing with middlemen , it deals directly with 250000 suppliers and thereby squeezes out some of the waste that hobbles farming in poor places .
A failure to raise extra taxes hobbles efforts to bolster security .
When you multiply this chain of cause and effect by a billion people suffering from chronic hunger , you can see how undernutrition hobbles global economic advancement .