The chernobyl meltdown was hideous and traumatic .
Instead they run in some hideous compatibility mode , which isn 't normally all that compatible .
I can 't think of one measure meant to ameliorate america 's hideous history of racial discrimination that conservatives have supported .
It sells some of the most hideous things devised by man-polyester persian carpets , plastic executive desks and plastic gilded bookshelves .
He became a hate figure among architectural buffs by bulldozing hundreds of historic buildings and replacing them with hideous replicas .
Before being assimilated into the venus collective , the venus savage was once a hideous beast .
Worse still , after this most hideous of embarrassments , normal working relationships must be resumed .
He shakes his head at the thought of this one thing , this single hideous bead on the necklace of his life .
Of course , that is assuming the world hasn 't ended , with only john cusack and a few other b-list actors surviving to spawn some hideous hollywood mutant race .
The destruction of the world trade centre by al-qaeda terrorists paid new york a hideous compliment : for anyone serious about challenging the american global order , this was target number one .