

hereon 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And everyone knows I 'll be hereon the best day of the year .
- 所有的人都知道我将停留于此,在这一年中最美好的时刻。
- Relevant special goods entrances hereon , hardware and rubber quotas , alumina weight industrial card , etc.
- 有关特种货物出入口批文、五金和橡胶的配额、氧化铝的重量工业品证等等。
- From hereon life will be idyllic and fulfilling while you enjoy the beauty and comforts of the higher dimensions .
- 从今生开始,生活将成为田园诗一般的令人惬意,同时你们在享受这更高维度的美丽与舒适。
- Are you hereon business as well ?
- 你也是来出差的?
- Thanks for taking me hereon my last day .
- 我自己知道的。
- There 's a man out hereon the ocean floor !
- 海床上有个人!
- Actually , l 'm hereon a special mission .
- 其实我在执行特殊任务.
- He was nice enough to come down hereon short notice .
- 他很给面子,马上就过来了.
- Hereon , please provide us an install document for the whole system , so that we can take over the task of installation and maintance by ourselves .
- 在此请您们再提供整个系统的安装文档,以便让我们自己接手安装和维护工作。
- From hereon , think in a more expansive way that allows for the unity of man , and his counterparts from all parts of the universe .
- 从此,思索一个更加容易扩展的方式,准许人类团结一致,并且他的副本来自宇宙所有部分。