
n.装有向上开的后车门的小轿车( hatchback的名词复数 )
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- Meanwhile , recent product innovations , like the honda crosstour and acura zdx hatchbacks , were widely panned upon introduction and failed to gain traction in the marketplace .
- 而且本田最近推出的创新产品,比如本田歌诗图(Crosstour)和讴歌ZDX掀背车,都是甫一上市就饱受诟病,也没能形成市场吸引力。
- American buyers are in no hurry to purchase hatchbacks like the golf , so fast-rising vw is in no hurry to make them available until other markets have been satisfied .
- 这也没关系,美国消费者并不急着买高尔夫这类掀背车,所以正飞速发展的大众汽车在满足其他市场的需求之前,也并不急着让这款车在美上市。
- The prius line of hybrid hatchbacks may have climbed to become toyota 's third-best seller behind camry and corolla , but that doesn 't exempt it from criticism , as it found out when consumer reports failed to recommend the entry-level prius c model .
- 普锐斯(PriusC)混合动力掀背车有可能成为继凯美瑞(Camry)和卡罗拉(Corolla)之后丰田(Toyota)最畅销的车型,不过这并不能让它免遭批评。
- But to american customers , " new " usually means " different , " and there is nothing different enough about the golf to distinguish it from earlier models , much less make buyers alter their long-held views about hatchbacks .
- 但对美国消费者来说,“新”往往意味着“不同”,而这款高尔夫并没有足够多的不同之处让它和老款区别开来,更难以让买车的人改变他们一直对掀背车的成见。
- The former three door sedans were now called two door hatchbacks .
- 前三个门轿车,现在所谓的两个门掀背车。
- Brazil is ripe for sales of hatchbacks and sporty-pickups such as the chevy celta .
- 巴西热销的是掀背车和运动型皮卡,例如雪佛兰celta。
- In the world of hatchbacks , the volkwagen golf reigns supreme .
- 掀背车的世界里,大众高尔夫是舍我其谁。