

n.宿醉(酒后醒来的头痛和不舒服)( hangover的名词复数 );遗留的感觉(或风俗、习惯等)

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If you do not know about hangovers , for example , you will probably want to drink more than you should .
Even though human beings have suffered from hangovers for thousands of years , we 're still largely in the dark as to exactly why they happen , and how to cure them .
The scourging is supposed to improve the flow of blood , driving out toxins and curing all manner of ills , including hangovers .
" An international sporting event like the world cup will inevitably capture the attention of the nation and is a great time for people to come together , but hangovers at work are likely to increase , " said drinkaware chief executive chris sorek .
The students answered how often , over the past year , they had experienced 35 different negative consequences of drinking , including blackouts , fights , hangovers , missed classes or work , and lost or stolen belongings .
It 's alleged to promote increased energy , a healthy urinary tract , faster wound-healing , and better digestion ; to aid with detoxification , hangovers , and immune system functioning .
In one experiment , with a number of rats suffering from artificially induced hangovers , ninety per cent of the animals died , but in a group that was first given vitamins b and c , together with cysteine , an amino acid contained in some o.t.c. remedies , there were no deaths .
Some of our worst hangovers can happen when we 're traveling .
Hangovers are probably as old as alcohol use , which dates back to the stone age .
Good weather , hangovers and romantic trysts motivated some staff to lie about absences , the study found .