

v.妨碍,束缚,限制( hamper的现在分词 )

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As a last resort you might consider switching your job , if you truly believe your manager is hampering your career growth .
And hampering the free movement of goods would discourage colombian farmers from diversifying away from coca and into legal crops .
As data volumes explode , traditional databases have become bottlenecks , hampering corporations from getting deep insights into consumer behavior , real-time fraud , and other patterns and trends that could improve their businesses .
But french and german officials contend the u. s.is pushing policies that would require foreign banks to raise much more capital than u. s.institutions , constraining their ability to issue credit and possibly hampering economic growth .
An official told local media that rescue personnel were in the mine but that high levels of gas were hampering efforts .
At the site of the dried pond radiation of various different sorts , some with shorter ranges , would in all likelihood be too high for plant workers to get anywhere near , further hampering efforts to keep the situation under control .
This reflects worries that the company has become excessively bureaucratic , hampering its ability to respond quickly to rivals .
Now , with a credit squeeze hampering the us economy and clouding the western european outlook , economists are examining prospects for the eu 's new members .
The town , sandwiched between the cities of shifang and mianyang , is virtually cut off , with poor road conditions hampering rescue and relief work .
The message is clear : countries that deny fair opportunities to women are hampering their potential for development and growth .