
n.理发师( hairdresser的名词复数 )
hairdressers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hefei contemporary beauty salon schools to instruct the technicians to hairdressers assistant ?
- 去合肥当代美容美发学校延聘的到美发师技师助理吗?
- The survey also found that men now spend more on their looks than women-their monthly bill including gym and hairdressers is 119 pounds , compared to girls ' ' 105 pounds .
- 调查还发现男人比女人花在外表上的金钱更多他们每个月的账单包括健身和美发师是119英镑,与女性相比,女性是105英镑。
- Last year unilever opened the motions academy in johannesburg . Each year it will train up to 5000 hairdressers who want to open their own salons .
- 去年,联合利华在约翰内斯堡开设了一家motions学院,每年最多能培养5000名美发师,他们希望毕业后能够开设自己的美发沙龙。
- In the film , rent and household savings are jeopardised while little maria is carted around hairdressers , dressmakers and ballet classes in an effort to stand out at a famous director 's casting call .
- 影片中,为了在一个著名导演召选演员时脱颖而出,小玛丽亚辗转奔波于美发师、裁缝和芭蕾课之间,代价是房租和家庭储蓄告急。
- This booklet introduces safety hints of hairdressers and beauticians and ways to prevent accidents .
- 本书介绍理发及美容从业员工作安全要点及意外预防方法.
- I am sorry ; there are no rude and arrogant hairdressers --- just incapable leaders .
- 我很抱歉,有没有粗鲁傲慢,理发员---只是无能的领导人。
- The surrounding neighbourhood is vibrant and entrepreneurial , home to dozens of often migrant-owned convenience stores , hairdressers and restaurants .
- 周边居住区很热闹,店铺林立,有许多便利店、理发店和餐馆,多数是外地人开的。
- No , I 'm not going to the hairdressers .
- 不,我不去做头发。
- The hairdressers of here work for me and not for you .
- 这里工作的美容师为我而且不为你。
- Dandong border economic cooperation zones silla men hairdressers massage center .
- 丹东边境经济合作区新罗男士按摩理容中心。