
v.大出血( haemorrhage的现在分词 )
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- Venice is haemorrhaging the very resource which could save it : its own people .
- 威尼斯正在丧失它的立足之本,那就是它的人民。
- The figures showed that cash was haemorrhaging from the conglomerate .
- 数据表明,这家集团的现金正在大量流失。
- Hundreds of millions of pounds are haemorrhaging out of the film and TV industries , just in the UK .
- 仅在英国,影视行业就因此损失了数百万英镑。
- To my mind , putting a stop to the haemorrhaging would at least give the euro a second chance .
- 在我看来,抑制住“大出血”至少会再给欧元带来一次机会。