

greased 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The mounting points are greased .
- 支承点上涂有润滑脂。
- It 's a greased pig contest .
- 这将是一场贿赂的竞赛。
- He greased the machine carefully .
- 他仔细为机器加润滑油。
- Creaking noises can be heard while driving if parts of the hood are not greased .
- 如果没有润滑软篷的零件,则行驶时会听到叽嘎噪音。
- It 's necessary that all metallic surfaces should be greased so as to decrease friction .
- 为了减少摩擦,有必要所有的金属表面都应涂上润滑油。
- If every person who tried to have his palm greased was brought to trial , corruption could not have developed to such an extent .
- 如果每个收受贿赂的都被关进监狱,腐败便不可能发展到如此的地步。
- But I greased it , too !
- 但是我也有放进去!
- We 're sweating like greased monkeys .
- 我们就像喝醉酒的猴子一样在在流汗.
- Lori greased up before the big face-off .
- 罗瑞事前在手上涂了猪油。
- He was so mean , he greased another man and swallowed him whole .
- 他是那么说,他抹油的另一名男子和他整个吞没。