
grammes 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The swiss group , which supplies food companies such as nestle and hershey with cocoa and chocolate products , said on tuesday it had provided evidence to efsa that eating 10 grammes of dark chocolate or its equivalent in cocoa that were high in flavanols helped blood flow .
- 给像雀巢和好时等食品公司提供可可和巧克力产品的瑞士集团说在星期二已经提供证据给欧洲食品安全机构,吃10克的黑巧克力或含等量黄烷醇的可可帮助血液流动。
- The thinking of your " petty " staff goes something like this : if management can 't even fork out for a few grammes of fat and sugar per person per week , then it evidently doesn 't care .
- 你那些“小气”的员工是这样想的:如果管理层连掏钱购买每周每人几克的脂肪和糖都不情愿,那么它显然就不在乎员工。
- In science , I 'm grammes , gauss , giga - even conductance and acceleration .
- 从科学上来讲,我是克、高斯、千兆-甚至是导电物和加速器。
- It reduced emergency food aid rations in rwanda , for example , from 420 grammes to 320g of cereals per person a day .
- 举例而言,该机构对卢旺达的紧急粮食援助配额,已从每人每天420克谷物降至320克。
- Fossicking for gold involves sifting through vast amounts of dirt for a few grammes of precious metal .
- 淘金的过程,就是从大量泥土中过滤出区区几克贵金属。
- The lancet , a medical journal , reckons people need no more than 90 grammes of meat a day .
- 根据医学杂志《柳叶刀》的测算,人一天需要的肉类食物不应超过90克。