
n.文法家,文法教师,文法学者( grammarian的名词复数 )
grammarians 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- That we learn these meanings mainly from teachers and grammarians and .
- 我们主要是跟老师和语法家学习这些词义。
- Some of the finest medieval arabic and persian poets and grammarians were atheists ( though several were also famously executed ) .
- 中世纪阿拉伯和波斯一些最棒的诗人和文法家都是无神论者(即使其中几个被处死也是众所周知的)。
- Any such change would require the intervention of specialists , grammarians , logicians , and others .
- 任何语言系统的改变,都必须靠专家、文法家、逻辑家等等的介入。
- Not in actual usage , but in the organizational zeal of19th-century grammarians .
- 不是在实际上的应用,而是在于19世纪语法家全部的热情。
- What traditional grammarians called " predicates " are called " verb phrases " by modern linguists .
- 那些传统语法家所称为“谓语”的则被现代言语学家称作"动词短语"
- Why do most contemporary english grammarians adopt a two-tense system ?
- 当代英语语法家为什么采用两时体系?
- Better , grammarians thought , was the house is building .
- 那时的语法学家觉得用“thehouseisbuilding”会更好。
- The task of their interpretation fell to the so-called critics or grammarians who had to evaluate and judge the beauty of the old manuscripts .
- 而翻译的任务便落到了所谓的评论家及文法家身上了,他们得鉴定及评论古老文献手稿之美。
- With the expansion of islam into persia , arabic language was greatly enriched by arabic grammarians and writers of persian descent .
- 随着伊斯兰教的扩展到波斯,阿拉伯语言,极大地丰富了阿拉伯语语法和波斯裔作家。
- The contribution of the roman grammarians were primarily of a utilitarian nature and represent the application in practice of some greek principles of thought .
- 罗马文法家的贡献一开始是为了实用的特性以及将某些希腊思想原则实际地展现出来。